(Terdampar Ke Pentas Ceramah Zakir Naik)
Lampu lampu terang menyuluh wajah saya, kedengaran dari jauh orang menjerit:
Sayapun toleh belakang, dan melihat lautan manusia. Di depan saya ada pentas besar, bersama kerusi dan microphone.
Jerit orang ramai. Secara spontan saya terus naik dan duduk di kerusi, tiba tiba semua orang diam.
Lantas berlarilah seorang lelaki berkopiah ke arah saya, di telinganya ada alat bantu dengar, tangan kirinya menyentuh nyentuh alat itu.
“Mana Zakir Naik?”
Tanya dia, bukan pada saya, tapi pada alat bantu dengar sebab matanya tak pandang pada saya.
“Habis tu macam mana? Orang dah ramai ni”
Kata mamat berkopiah tu lagi.
“Ok OK”
Baru sekarang dia pandang wajah saya, dan berkata:
“Maaf Bro, patut Zakir Naik duduk sini,tapi dia ke tandas pula, jadi sementara dia datang, boleh tak bagi ceramah tentang Islam dan Sains?”
Belum sempat saya angguk, dia terus blah.
Suasana sunyi sepi.
Sayapun apa lagi, terus berceramah di pentas Zakir Naik dengan gaya perasan bagu, adohai.
Saya bukan Zakir Naik, Saya Keretamayat Naik!
Brothers semua!
Dunia ini penuh dengan formula sains, air mempunyai formula kimia H2O, bermakna bahawa satu molekul air terbina daripada dua atom hidrogen dan satu atom oksigen. Ia boleh digambarkan secara ionik sebagai HOH, dengan satu ion Hidrogen H plus yang terikat kepada ion Hidroksida OH ,minus. Ia berada didalam keseimbangan dinamik di antara cecair dan wap yang berada pada suhu dan tekanan piawai. Pada suhu bilik, ia adalah cecair yang sangat jernih.
(saya berhenti telan air liur dan sambung ceramah)
Siapa cipta air? Allah!
Siapa cipta Hydrogen? Allah!
Siapa cipta Oksigen? Allah!
Siapa cipta formula H2O? Ahli sains kah? No! Allah! Yes! Allah!
Bila formula ini wujud? Kata ahli sains, hidrogen dan oksigen wujud selepas Big Bang. Tapi Formula H2O wujud bila? sebelum Big Bang? Atau selepas Big Bang?
Bagi kita orang islam percaya dan yakin, Allah cipta air, dan Allah cipta formula bagi air.
Dunia ini dijadikan sempurna dengan formulanya, dari formula simple, panjang darab lebar untuk dapat luas, kepada lebih rumit seperti daya bahagi luas permukaan akan mendapat nilai Tekanan, dan bagaimana perubahan suhu boleh mempengaruhi nilai Tekanan dan Kadar Aliran, sehingga kepada formula yang lebih rumit seperti pembentukkan besi, tembaga, perak dan emas!
Jika lihat pada system suria, setiap planet bergerak pada orbit dengan kiraan yang tepat, bumi berputar 24 jam menjadualkan siang malam, bulan berputar selama 30 hari mengelilingi bumi menghasilkan jadual bulan, dan bumi berputar 360 mengelilingi matahari menghasilkan jadual tahun masihi dan tahun lompat.
Siapa yang cipta semua ini? - Allah!
Siapa yang cipta pada factor gravity, halaju, pressure, temperature, flow, mass, density pada setiap planet sehingga mereka tidak berlanggar antara satu sama lain? - Allah!
Apabila Allah yang cipta alam ini dengan sangat sempurna, sehingga jika ada letupan bintang lalu muncul meteor sesat nak hentam bumi, tapi tiba tiba kerana gravity di planet lain lebih kuat menyebabkan tahi bintang raksasa itu jatuh ke planet lain. Formula juga tu!
Nampak seolah-olah kewujudan planet lain ni sebagai satu kaedah bagaimana Allah nak lindungi bumi guna formula yang ahli sains belum jumpa.
Yang kita tahu, jika ada tahi bintang terlepas daripada radar gravity planet Mustari, ada lagi Sembilan planet lain yang menjadi perisai bumi, dan andai kata ada komet yang terlepas, bulan juga ada gravity yang mengelilingi bumi setiap bulan untuk menhadang hentaman tahi bintang, tak percaya cuba teropong bulan, penuh dengan kawah hasil hentaman tahi bintang, dan bulan juga bertindak sebagai pasang surut air laut agar nelayan mudah buat kerja, dan andai komet besar masih berjaya lepas dari gravity bulan sebab arah paksi yang berbeza, tiba tiba tahi bintang itu akan terbakar dan jadi batu kecil bila berlanggar dengan atmpsohera.
Subhanallah, kenapa bumi masih selamat?, kenapa blue planet ini so-so protection? Jawapannya, sebab Allah yang cipta alam ini, dan Allah telah guna hokum logic untuk jaga alam ini, kerana dunia darul asbab.
Teringat kisah Nabi Isa turun dari langit ke masjid aqsa, sampai di bumbung mintak tangga, orang tanya: kenapa mintak tangga?, Tuan baru turun dari langit dengan cara terbang.
Jawab nabi Isa: Dunia ni darul Asbab.
Nak kalahkan Dajal, Nabi isa guna pedang, waktu perang badar, nak lawan orang kafir yang lengkap bersenjata, ada sahabat bagitahu tiada pedang, jadi tak nak pergi perang, Nabi suruh guna kayu. Bermakna kena guna asbab, atau dalam bahasa sains, logic, formula, common sense. Inilah dunia, tapi orang islam, bila sakit, perlu makan ubat, Cuma jangan yakin ubat boleh bagi sembuh.
Pendek kata, orang kafir, guna sains dan yakin dengan sains.
Manakala orang islam guna sains, tapi jangan yakin dengan sains, guna dengan tangan, tapi dalam hati nafi makluk, dan isbatkan Allah sahaja, Ini adalah hakikat iman.
Balik kepada formula tadi, formula faktor gravity, halaju, pressure, temperature, flow, mass, density pada setiap planet sehingga mereka tidak berlanggar antara satu sama lain, subhanallah.
Itu kat luar angkasa, kat dalam badan kitapun ada formula.
Ahli sains panggil Artificial Inteligent, akan bagaimana proses makanan dalam perut, mengasingkan zat, pembebasan peluh, proses asing air kencing, kejadian tahik, pengeluaran kuku, pecutan air mani, cirit birit, dan macam macam lagi.
Semua tu ada formula, kalau kaji, iman kita akan meningkat, Subhanallah.
Tapi saya lebih suka nak cerita formula dalam bab agama.
Sebab dalam bab dosa dan pahala pun ada formula sebenarnya.
Contoh, Nabi adam dan Siti Hawa, pasangan manusia pertama di cipta Allah. Bagaimana mereka yang boleh berdialog dengan Tuhan tiba tiba buat dosa.
Ada formula dia.
Dan Allah benarkan kejadian dosa ini berdasarkan formula, seperti mana hari ini jika kita masak nasik, nasik masak sebab ada formula. Orang kafir bunuh orang islam, mati orang islam sebab orang kafir bunuh guna formula, Allah benarkan kejadian itu, sebab dunia darul asbab.
Tapi Allah Maha berkuasa, boleh ubah formula yang sudah sunatullah, waktu tu munculah istilah “mukjizat” atau “keramat” yang ahli sains panggil “paranormal” atau black magic, atau nisbah satu dalam sejuta.
Contoh waktu Nabi Ibrahim a.s kena campak dalam api, ikut formula, akan terbakarlah nabi Ibrahim a.s, tapi Allah telah ubah dengan firman pada api: Sejuk dan sejahtera. Maka api yang sama hanguskan tali yang mengikat tubuh Nabi Ibrahim, (ikut formula asal), tapi api yang sama menyejukkan dan menyejahterakan Nabi Ibrahim hingga rasa sejuk selesa macam dalam ‘air cond’.(Allah ubah formula baru terpakai untuk nabi Ibrahim sahaja)
Jadi balik kisah Nabi adam dan Siti Hawa buat dosa, apa formula dia?
Pertama nafsu, dalam syurga Allah cipta pohon larangan, boleh makan semua buah, kecuali dari pohon larangan, nafsu makan, nafsu nak rasa, ada pada Nabi adam dan Siti Hawa, tapi mereka masih mampu tahan. Lalu datang syaitan memujuk nafsu, Allah benarkan syaitan datang dengan kuasa memujuk, tapi syaitan takde kuasa nak ambik buah dan suap ke mulut Nabi adam dan Siti Hawa, tapi syaitan tahu, tak jalan jika pujuk Nabi adam, so syaitan fokus pada Siti Hawa. Panjang cerita, lengkap semua formula, akhirnya Hawa buat dosa pertama, dan dihukum di buang dari syurga.
Nabi adam pula akhirnya buat dosa juga, tapi formulanya lebih sikit, selain pujukan syaitan dan nafsu, ada tambahan pujukan dari perempuan.
Lalu Nabi adam dan Siti Hawa terbuang di dunia sebagai pendosa, lalu mereka bertaubat, dan Allah ampunkan dosa mereka, akhirnya mereka kembali ke syurga.
Masuk syurga pun ada formula, iaitu bertaubat dan zahirkan taubat.
So formula terbuat dosa dah ada, formula ampunkan dosa pun ada, iaitu Taubat Nasuha.
Tapi dalam bab dosa, Allah tak buat formula simple macam formula nak buat air, H2O misalnya, tapi Allah letak pemalar x.
Contoh nak cari kecerunan, Y=mX + c. yang mana X adalah pemalar.
Maka dalam berbuat dosa, selain hasutan syaitan, godaaan nafsu, faktor persekitaran, genetik dan sebagainya, masih ada pemalar x, iaitu tahap iman kita, inilah yang bakal menentukan dosa terbuat atau tak? Di tentukan oleh Pemalar kita sendiri.
Disinilah firman Allah, Bukan saya yang menzalimi kamu, tapi kamu yang menzalimi diri kamu sendiri.
Pemalar tu, yang merupakan “kuasa membuat pilhan” telah di salah guna buat Nabi adam dan Siti Hawa berdosa, dan kita ulang lagi dosa yang sama, namun berita baik, Allah Maha pengampun lagi Maha Mengasihani, ada formula untuk Taubat di terima juga, dah di cerita dalam Al quran dan hadis, tinggal nak amal sahaja.
Faham tak?
Tanya saya pada audience yang kelihatan tertidur, adohai.
Lepas tu bangun sorang laki berserban dan berjamban menjerit:
“Woi Naik?, kami mahu Zakir naik! Bukan Mayat naik! Apa merepek formula bagai?”
Nampaknya formula untuk menarik perhatian audience gagal, Nampak sangat pemalar x saya fail. Hu hu.
Habis tu Zakir Naik mana? Saya kat mana ni? Saya dah mati ke? Kenapa saya duduk sini? Bukan saya sepatutnya pergi iktimak Tabligh ke? Adohai.
Eh? Rasa nak kencing pulak, Tahan jangan tak tahan!
Belum sempat saya turun dari pentas Zakir Naik, tiba tiba ada ramai penonton cuba bertanya soalan pada saya.
Arghh, sudah, saya bukannya terer macam Zakir Naik.
“Salam malam wahai saudara Hamka”
Tanya sorang penonton memakai tudung labuh. Perempuan yang masih muda berkaca mata.
“err, salam malam”
Jawab saya. Wanita tadi terus bertanya soalan:
“Apa pendapat anda tentang Vaksin yang masuk benda haram dalam tubuh manusia? Halal ke haram?.”
Alamak, susah gila soalan, tapi saya jawab jugaklah, sebab nanti brother pakai kopiah tu marah, susah nanti.
Brother, sister! Bila sakit ada formula, amalan imunisasi dan vaksinisasi ini juga ada formula, dan ada kaedah racun jadi ubat bila betul dia punya formula, rujuk kalam al-Imam Nasirussunnah Muhammad ibn Idris as-Syafie rahimahullah di dalam kitab induk mazhab Syafie, al-Umm telah berKata as-Syafie :
“Sesungguhnya meminum ubat yang mengandungi sebahagian racun di dalamnya, dan yang kebiasaanya kesembuhan akan terhasil daripadanya: maka dia tidak berdosa apabila meminumnya, kerana dia tidak meminumnya untuk memudaratkan dirinya dan bukan juga untuk menghilangkan kewarasan akalnya.”
Tiba tiba semua orang tepuk tangan! Jawapan saya sangat hebatkah? Saya toleh belakang rupanya Dr Zakir Naik telah ada di belakang saya dan hulurkan salam, tapi tiba tiba saya terdengar hon yang sangat kuat, lalu lampu lampu pentas bertukar menjadi lampu lori.
Saya rupanya sedang duduk kerusi kiri keretamayat, sahabat saya encik Zaki sedang pandu keretamayat lengkap dengan PPE SOP punya pakaian, Lori besar Berjaya kami elakkan, saya toleh belakang keretamayat, ada mayat berbungkus plastik putih.
Kami rupanya sedang menuju tanah perkuburan Islam, hari ini giliran orang lain, sampai masa giliran kita. Cantik kan gambar ini? Ini sebenarnya gambar dari dalam keranda dalam keretamayat.
Sungguh keretamayat itu sahala jalannya, buat sehabis baik sebelum tumpang.
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Đây là review cuốn The silent patient 😶
「About love. About how we often mistake love for fireworks—for drama and dysfunction. But real love is very quiet, very still. It’s boring, if seen from the perspective of high drama. Love is deep and calm—and constant. I imagine you do give Kathy love—in the true sense of the word. Whether or not she is capable of giving it back to you is another question.」
Lâu rồi mới lại up bài, phải mở bát review năm 2021 bằng cuốn đầu tiên tớ hoàn thành trong năm nay mới được 🥳
Cuốn này tuy đã có bản dịch rồi nhưng Chi vẫn đọc bản Eng, phần vì có sẵn rồi, phần vì đọc buddy nữa. Bản Eng cuốn này khá dễ đọc, nên anh em nào muốn thử có thể đọc bản Eng xem sao nha.
Câu chuyện mở đầu khá chậm, mạch truyện song song ban đầu không nổi bật lắm. Một vụ án mạng, một bệnh nhân câm lặng, và một bác sỹ với nỗ lực để chữa trị cho bệnh nhân ấy. Tác giả đưa vào các nhân vật đầy bí ẩn, nhưng không khiến câu chuyện bị rối, với tớ thì tương đối ổn.
Nhưng rồi phải đến giữa cuốn sách, mọi thứ mới thực sự bắt nhịp được và cuốn tớ vào câu chuyện. Bí ẩn cứ nối tiếp bí ẩn, và con đường tìm hiểu sự thật của bác sĩ Theo cũng mờ một màn sương. Những chi tiết nhỏ cũng dần móc nối, nhất là về bức tranh Alcestis, một phần mà tớ khá thích thú.
Đoạn gần cuối, sự căng thẳng được đẩy lên cao, và có lúc tớ cảm thấy khá là khó chịu vì tác giả vẫn đang chơi đùa với những điều mập mờ. Những câu hỏi vẫn lơ lửng tới tận gần kết thúc câu chuyện, rằng sự thật là gì, và liệu tình yêu có tồn tại chăng?
Kết thì không quá ấn tượng với tớ, lí do vì cú lừa này tớ đã từng trải qua một lần rồi nên đến những trang cuối cùng tớ bình tĩnh đón nhận em nó lắm 😂
Tuy vậy, tổng thể thì đây không phải một cuốn tệ, chỉ là không xuất sắc lắm thôi. Nếu em nó lôi kéo được sự chú ý của tớ ngay từ phần đầu sách, có lẽ tớ sẽ đánh giá em nó cao hơn. Cũng khá đáng thử đó anh em 🥳
Sau cái chết của chồng, hoạ sĩ Alicia Berenson rơi vào câm lặng, và chẳng buồn cất một lời kể từ ngày định mệnh ấy.
Với một sự thôi thúc vô hình, bác sĩ Theo Faber đã quyết định nộp đơn xin việc vào bệnh viện nơi Alicia đang chữa trị, để giúp cô nói chuyện trở lại.
Thế nhưng, trên con đường tìm hiểu về bệnh nhân này, anh lại phát hiện ra nhiều điều bí ẩn, những thứ đáng lẽ nên mãi được chôn giấu tới hết cuộc đời này.
「It’s my birthday today. I’m thirty-three years old. It’s strange—it’s older than I ever saw myself as being; my imagination only ever extended this far. I’ve outlived my mother now—it’s an unsteady feeling, being older than she was. She got to thirty-two, and then she stopped. Now I’ve outlived her, and won’t stop. I will grow older and older—but she won’t. Gabriel was so sweet this morning—he kissed me awake and presented me with thirty-three red roses. They were beautiful. He pricked his finger on one of the thorns. A bloodred teardrop. It was perfect. Then he took me for a picnic in the park for breakfast. The sun was barely up, so the heat wasn’t unbearable. A cool breeze was coming off the water and the air smelled of cut grass. We lay by the pond under a weeping willow, on the blue blanket we bought in Mexico. The willow branches formed a canopy over us, and the sun burned hazily through the leaves. We drank champagne and ate small sweet tomatoes with smoked salmon and slivers of bread. Somewhere, in the back of my mind, was a vague feeling of familiarity, a nagging sense of déjà vu I couldn’t quite place. Perhaps it was simply a recollection of childhood stories, fairy tales, and magical trees being gateways to other worlds. Perhaps it was something more prosaic. And then the memory came back to me...」
⭐️⭐️⭐️🌟💫 3.75/5
#bookstagram #bibliophile #bookstagramvn #thesilentpatient
blue air sense 在 CarDebuts Youtube 的精選貼文
? คลิปรถใหม่ 2019-2020 มาแล้วครับ คลิกที่นี่ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSebcviE-UeYMxVRNozwqtw/videos
2018 Isuzu D-MAX 1.9 & 3.0 Ddi BluePower debut in Thailand & prices
The Ultimate Exterior is a testament to Isuzu’s advanced design capability that has transformed its visual appearance into the ultimate exterior for the Isuzu pickup once again. Under the Sharp/ Aggressive/ Solid design concept which uses continuous lines displaying power, aggression, sporty, style to deliver futuristic results that complements the newly designed front grille. And yet another industry first for the pickup industry…New! The newly designed Bi-LED headlamps featuring advanced illumination technology for 63% more brightness and less energy consumption along with Multifunctional Daylight for improved illumination during daytime while working as dimmer lights at night time; the new headlamp has a 4-level adjustable feature to reflect the innovative capability of the pickup of the future in the truest sense.
Prepare to experience the Ultimate Interior that features the perfect interior cabin area that will deliver the ultimate driving experience with new functions and features which are more user-friendly and will elevate a new level of luxury and a futuristic appearance in every dimension thanks to its abundant space and ambience beyond others.
Featuring more advanced functions with the ultimate Entertainment system for a most pleasant journey to every destination. An experience like no other, unique, comfortable for a lifestyle that is beyond others.
• New! Isuzu iConnect with Built-in Navigator for every journey transformed into a simple pleasurable experience with an 8-inch monitor display that is modern and user-friendly, fast response, and the Air Mirroring system that provides wireless connectivity with your smart phone (only for models that accommodates the technology) via the Wi-Fi Dongle and can be used for CD/DVD/MP3/WMA/AAC and USB along with smart phone and compatible with MP3 or Flash Drive in addition to connectivity with phone system and Blue Tooth audio function for listening to music.
You will experience the Ultimate Technology in intelligent drive innovation through the “Isuzu Insight”…the one and only technology by Isuzu that has been developed into a new application capable of downloading Isuzu Insight driving data via the Isuzu iConnect system through Bluetooth which accommodates both iOS and Android technology for the most efficient driving experience, safety and fuel efficiency.
The Ultimate Power by one of the automotive industry’s most important innovations in engine technology that will change the world! A Diesel engine which displaces 1,900 cc is by far the first of its kind in the world. This advanced diesel technology was developed under the “The Power of Less” concept in order to achieve a new industry standard that surpassed previous statistics, possessed excellent performance levels, delivered superb fuel efficiency, durability at its best and is environment-friendly by showing low CO2 ratings of 161 grams/kilometer – the lowest rating of any vehicle in its class. Adding impeccable credibility to its quality is its EURO 6 standard.
The “New! Isuzu D-Max Blue Power” is available in the following models:
• The ultimate innovation in the guise of the “Isuzu 1.9 Ddi Blue Power” 1,900 cc engine has received overwhelming market response and Thai motorists which was achieved mainly in part to its superb performance takes to its 150 hp and maximum torque of 350 Nm for the best performance levels of all aspects in its class.
• And another alternative for an exciting ride that needs a lot of power is the “Isuzu 3.0 Ddi Blue Power” 3,000 cc 177 hp with maximum torque of 380 Nm.
• The ultimate power train innovation highlighted by a 6-speed transmission with 2 Overdrive ratios at the 5th and 6th gears available in both the manual and automatic transmission models; both models have transmission systems that were designed specifically to transfer every aspect of the abundant power delivered by the power source of the Isuzu 1.9 Ddi Blue Power on to actual daily usage at its optimal efficiency. The Isuzu 5-speed Manual model is capable of power with the efficiency for every type of job requirement in the Isuzu 3.0 Ddi Blue Power with the Genius Sport Shift display feature which tells the driver the position of the gear ratio and also tells the driver to change gears at the optimal engine revolution and vehicle speed for enhanced efficiency and fuel savings.
“New! Isuzu D-Max 1.9 and 3.0 Ddi Blue Power” is offered in many model selections to meet various types of job requirements, available in 8 body colors consisting of 3 brand new colors made up of Etna Red, Zermatt Silver and Polynesian Blue.
blue air sense 在 This is Taiwan Youtube 的精選貼文
Scooters in Taiwan are very useful, cheap and convenient, but do you really need one in Taiwan? In this video I discuss some of the pros and cons of owning one and give you a basic idea of what it's like to own one.
Safety tips for driving a scooter in Taiwan:
- Watch out for blue trucks and taxis.
- Don't brake on the road surface markings when it's raining.
- Watch out for opening car doors.
- Be extra vigilant at all times.
Pros of owning a scooter in Taiwan:
- Fun
- Sense of freedom
- Cheap to buy and maintain
- Easy to maintain
- Convenient
Cons of owning a scooter in Taiwan:
- Dangerous
- Exposed to air pollution and natural elements
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Filming equipment:
Nikon D5600
Manfrotto tripod
Zhiyun Smooth Q stabiliser
Editing equipment:
MacBook Pro
blue air sense 在 Imagine Scent Youtube 的最讚貼文
So after a month worth of sampling fragrances, burning through nearly a hundred different samples, I’m finally ready to bring you, my TOP PICKS for this month of August 2016. Embrace yourself guys, it’s been an insane month and this is going to be an equally as insane video.
-Black No.1 by House of Matriarch- Most unique leather scent on the market. Comprise of authentic smelling black leather mix with over 300 others ingredient, makes this fragrance truly for lovers of high perfumeries.
-Albatross by House of Matriarch- An enticing marine fragrance. Drift wood and Cork notes adds an air of exoticism, creating a fragrance that truly feel like the deep blue ocean. You’ve never smelled anything like it, and neither did I.
-Devotion by House of Matriarch- This one reminds me of the Egyptian Pharaoh. Devotion pays homage to the beginning of perfumery. It’s Frankincense and Myrrh blends to perfection to create an undeniably luxurious, powerful, and touching olfactory experience.
-Sex Magic by House of Matriarch- Easily one of my most favorite nights-out fragrance on the planet. Made with 13 different types of Cedar wood, this scent is very aromatic and well blended. Sexy is an understatement, Sex Magic truly deserves to be in everyone’s collection.
-Kazimi by House of Matriarch- This one takes you on a wild rollercoaster ride of exotic roses. Nothing like any rose scent you’ve ever smelled. Utterly romantic and special. Enticing in all the right ways. Kazimi, the rose interpretation of the Garden of Eden.
-Sucre Tabac Sucre- Smells authentically like double apple shisha you’ll find at a high-end hookah bar. Very interesting scent, reminds me of times spent with friends at those locations. Very nostalgic.
-Beaver by Zoologist- My favorite woody/ashy fragrance. This one evokes a sense of pure confident every time I wear it. Feels like it was made especially for me. Great scent, my favorite from the house of Zoologist.
-Salt Caramel by Shay and Blue London- Sweet caramelized popcorn. This is an adorably delicious fragrance. My first time smelling it I instantly fell in love. A must have fragrance for any gourmand lovers.
-L’Air Du Desert Marocain by Andy Tauer- The strength of the Moroccan dessert. This one is a daring but artistic master piece, worthy of being in the hall of fame of fragrances. Spices, vetiver, warm dry dessert air. Simply incredible.
-Coco Blanc by House of Matriarch- My all-time favorite gourmand fragrance, and also quickly becoming my most favorite fragrance. Made with white chocolate, vanilla, spices, and sandalwood, Coco Blanc is an insanely delectable scent that’s very hard not to fall in love with.
House of Matriarch- Trillium, Orca, Madrona, Forbidden
Zoologist- Rhinoceros, Bat, Panda, Hummingbird (My favorite female scent)
Nasomatto- Absinth, Narcotic Venus
Imaginary Authors- Every Storm Is A Serenade
Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge http://amzn.to/2e1HX9J
Digiant Smartphone Tripod http://amzn.to/2eeC4FH
FLFLK Smartphone Gorilla Pod http://amzn.to/2e9UOdJ
Lavalier Lapel Microphone http://amzn.to/2e6gGCh
Filmora Video Editing Software http://filmora.wondershare.com/
Stay tune each week for more fragrance reviews, house reviews, first impressions, top 10's, and other awesome fragrance related content. Feel free to contact me anytime with any questions, suggestions, or feedback. I have try my best to get back to you in a timely manner. Thanks for watching!
blue air sense 在 Blueair Sense 開箱文 - Mobile01 的推薦與評價
比較了Honeywell, iQair, Blueair 和安麗的空氣清淨機,正準備要去百貨公司買Honeywell時, 想說至少是美國一堆醫師推薦的品牌, 至少是長青品牌結果 ... ... <看更多>
blue air sense 在 其實更貴的瑞典Blueair Sense 空氣清淨機10 月在台上市 的推薦與評價
Sep 21, 2012 - 皮耶哈發佈不只高貴、其實更貴的瑞典Blueair Sense 空氣清淨機10 月在台上市,留言1篇於2019-11-26 16:05:由曾經設計斯德哥爾摩SONY 音樂總部的國際 ... ... <看更多>
blue air sense 在 [問題] Blueair的sense+跟上一代sense有差別嗎? 的推薦與評價
想說新聞常報導空汙 感覺很需要空氣清淨機過濾室內空氣
找了一下目前是對Blueair的sense系列有好感 外觀很精緻
但不太曉得新版的跟上一代差在哪 版上也很少討論這個牌子
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